It is proper to choose open operation on the patients with deformity of renal pelvis or obstruction of ureter. 伴肾盂明显畸形或输尿管连接部严重狭窄者以选择开放手术为宜。
23 renal pelvis and ureters, including one case of right replicate renal pelvis and ureter were observed. 23支肾盂输尿管,包括1例右侧双肾盂双输尿管。
The renal calices, renal pelvis of both kidneys and upper ureter could be displayed well by VR and MIP in 11 cases. 11例VR及MIP同时较好地显示双侧肾小盏、肾盂及输尿管上段。
The rhabdomyosarcoma showed signs of lobular solid mass within the renal parenchyma, pelvis or upper part of the ureter, with crescent low density subcapsular hematoma surrounding the kidney. 肾胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤表现为肾实质及肾盂内分叶状实质性肿块,侵犯肾门及输尿管上段,肾周见新月形低密度的包膜下积液。